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Travel Updates...

2024 …Next stop Azerbaijan

Posted on Sep 18, 2024 by Mike


My latest travelogue and photographs of my trip to Lebanon have just gone live on the website. Unfortunately this post is now a sad reminder of the tragic situation that now endures in that country.

I am currently working on my next travelogue, a trip I undertook to Singapore and Malaysia earlier this year.

My next trip is to Azerbaijan, somewhere that has been on my bucket list of must visit destinations for quite a while. travelogue underway

Posted on May 27, 2024 by Mike


I am now just starting to write up the travelogue for my adventure through Lebanon. This was an amazing journey through a country with a history going back 7,000 years, replete with incredible Roman ruins, picturesque Crusader castles and the wonderful ambience endemic in Middle Eastern countries.

Next trip planned is a short break to Malta.

2023...Journey to the end of the world

Posted on February 26, 2023 by Mike

As life returns to to normal, the opportunity to travel now opens up affording the opportunity to partake of that dream holiday.

I have just returned from a fantastic trip to Argentina and Chile, a journey to the tip of South America through a landscape blessed with jaw-dropping scenery.

Now the challenge is to sort through the photographs and compose the travelogue whilst the memories are still fresh.


2022..…Life nearly returning to normal

Posted on March 7, 2022 by Mike

The New Bridge, Ronda, Spain.JPG

As Covid restrictions are pretty much all but gone, I find myself looking forward to my first proper holiday in several years, a tour of Romania, Serbia and Bulgaria.

In the meantime, I am taking the opportunity to write up the travelogue of a wonderful trip undertaken some time ago now to southern Spain and Morocco.

Let’s hope that we are all now well on the road to reclaiming the normality of what life was like before Covid changed all of our worlds.

2021..…Light at the End of the Tunnel?

Posted on January 24, 2021 by Mike

Well, 2020 was a write off as far as travel was concerned, Coronavirus restrictions slammed the door well and truly shut in that department.


Having plenty of time on my hands afforded me the opportunity to update the website with some long overdue new travelogues and photographs.


I am now starting work on my latest article relating to a wonderful trip to India undertaken in February 2018… this space.

50a - Bibi ka Maqbara, Aurangabad, India
The Treasury, Petra, Jordan

Coronavirus update

Posted on March 30, 2020 by Mike

As I find myself confined to the house during this most difficult of times, I have taken the opportunity to catch up on writing several travelogues that have been long overdue.


My recent article on Ukraine and Moldova has been rapidly followed by my article on a fabulous journey to Jordan, which I undertook some 3 years ago now.


Check out the accompanying photos in the gallery section of the website.


Looking forward to future travels when our current surreal world returns to some sort of normality, in the meantime be well and stay safe.

Finally…. the latest travelogue is ready to go live

Posted on February 15, 2020 by Mike

After a somewhat lengthy writers break, finally my travelogue recalling a fascinating journey through Ukraine, Moldova and Trans Dniester is about to be posted. This adventure exploring three former Soviet republics was notable for the opportunity to visit the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, which has rapidly become one of the worlds more surreal tourist attractions.



Posted on April 04, 2019 by Mike

After an extended hiatus concluding with a complete revamp of the Holiday Hog website, it is now time that I recommence producing some long overdue travelogues relating to my most recent travel experiences.


Articles now awaiting transcription are trips to Spain & Morocco, South Korea, Jordan and India.

Travel Update – This Year and Forthcoming

Posted on November 12, 2016 by Mike

In the last 12 months I have been extremely fortunate to have been able to indulge in a number of wonderful trips, these have included trips to southern Spain, Morocco, South Korea and Israel.


South Korea was particularly interesting especially a tour of the world’s most militarised border the DMZ, the division between North and South Korea. The visit here must surely rank as one of the world’s most surreal tourist destinations.


Forthcoming trips are a visit to Jordan and a mouth -watering tour of Pakistan, definitely one of the most underrated and least visited countries in the sub- continent.


Looking on the Bright Side When Plans are Changed

Posted on March 21, 2014 by Mike

My much anticipated trip to Bangladesh over the Christmas period failed to materialise due to a bout of rioting that transpired during the country’s general elections. This unfortunate event led to my trip being cancelled and condemned me to spending the festive period up a ladder decorating!! On the positive side I finally got my decorating done.


Another bonus is that it resulted in a February trip to Sudan; pyramids and ancient Egyptian temples everywhere I looked.

Singapore Restaurant Opening

Posted on March 21, 2014 by Mike

I had an interesting request from a restaurant owner in Singapore wanting to use one of my photographs as part of an advertising campaign for their opening. They raised $2000.00 for a Vietnamese children’s charity; what an amazing thing to do. Below is the invite they created. One day I shall visit the restaurant and have a meal there.


Last trip Eastern Turkey … next Bangladesh

Posted on November 9, 2013 by Mike

I have recently returned from a wonderful trip around Eastern Turkey. The real antithesis to the highly touristic western part of the country, the east proffered some real gems in terms of uncrowded sites and great value for money. From a photographic perspective this part of Turkey was a photographers dream, especially in terms of capturing great people shots with many locals almost lining up to have their photo taken. On the down, side I am not in too much of a hurry to see another kebab!

The article and photos from my trip around the Western Balkans has just gone live on my website Holiday Hog.


In a couple of months I will be embarking on a really exciting trip around Bangladesh, little visited, unlike its large neighbour India, this should be a journey full of surprises and a supreme curry-fest to boot!


Posted on February 14, 2013 by Mike

I have recently returned from a trip to Algeria;, little was I to know that a couple of weeks after my return such terrible events were to take place there.


The trip itself was quite an eye opener, a country in the infancy of its tourism industry which made the trip quite an adventure in itself.


Wonderful ancient Roman sites all blissfully free of tourists, atmospheric desert towns and the sheer beauty of the Sahara desert.


No aggressive salespeople and no tourist inflated prices all made for a really great experience.


I am currently working on the travelogue of my trip to Myanmar (Burma)……watch this space.

Famous at Last!

Posted on October 22, 2012 by Mike

This is one of my favourite pictures from the ancient Mayan site of Copan in Hondurus, Central America and I’m honoured that ‘Lonely Planet Traveller Magazine’ decided to publish it (August 2012).


Western Balkans

Posted on September 11, 2012 by Mike

Have just returned from a wonderful tour around the Western Balkans. The trip took in Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Serbia. The highlights of the tour were Sarajevo, Dubrovnik and Mostar, all of which more than lived up to any per-conceived expectations. The Balkans are a fascinating part of Europe; steeped in a intricately entangled web of historical and religious divisions, the undercurrent of which still bubble menacingly beneath the surface. That aside, this is what makes the region such an interesting destination.


Have just finished putting the final  touches to the travelogue of my journey across the south of India. This is now live on my website.


Posted on May 17, 2012 by Mike

My journey through Myanmar (Burma) last month was a truly enlightening experience. Wonderfully friendly people, great food and incredible monuments make the country a rewarding destination for the adventurous traveller. Having only recently opened its doors to mainstream tourism, Myanmar is still relatively ‘un-commercialised’ and most of the sites visited have just a scattering of tourists.

I am currently working on the travelogue of my trip to South India … watch this space!


Posted on February 29, 2012 by Mike

My recent jaunt around Central America was a fantastic whistle-stop journey through five diverse countries, as well as affording a nice break from the vagaries of the British winter. As anticipated the real highlight was the visit to the ancient Mayan ruins at Copan in Honduras.


In April I am going to tour around Myanmar (Burma), this should be quite an experience as the country has only recently opened up to mainstream tourism, the military regime having imposed strict entry limits on tourism for many years past.


My travelogue and photographs from Albania and Macedonia should be going live very shortly … watch this space.

Planning Ahead

Posted on June 13, 2011 by Mike

My forthcoming trip in July is to Albania and Macedonia, situated in the heart of Europe. They are little known countries well off the tourist map. To visit Macedonia – the homeland of Alexander the Great, the greatest empire builder of them all – will fulfil an ambition I have long wanted to achieve.

Over Christmas and New Year I am planning an extensive trip to Central America, having been to Mexico some 7 or 8 years ago a return visit to the region has always been on the cards. This trip will include touring through Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. The highlight should be a visit to the Mayan ruins in Copan.

Anchor 1

Finally got a Digital Camera – Canon 7D – YEAH !!!!

Posted on November 9, 2010 by Mike


Well, kicking and screaming I have finally been dragged into the 21st century and have entered the digital age. Have just bought the most amazing camera, a Canon 7D with all the attachments. So in this digital dawn its now just a matter of taking a 3 year university course in learning how to use this high tech piece of equipment, alternatively I could give this to a 7 year old child who could probably show me how it all works in five minutes flat.

35mm King is Dying … Long Live the Digital Hog

Posted on September 15, 2010 by Mike

Being possibly the last person on the planet still using a 35mm roll film camera, the time is creeping nearer for me to dive head first into the 21st century and the digital age. I have used my trusty Canon A1 for the last 20-odd years and change is definitely in the air.


I have recently been researching digital cameras on the internet and next week I shall visit a specialist Canon retailer. Being a digital virgin I am looking forward to getting the low down on the various digital options. I want to try out a few cameras and get some professional advice as to which model is best suited for my particular needs. This could end up being quite an expensive day; I will see just how flexible my “flexible friend” is going to be. Watch this space !!!

Current News

Posted on August 31, 2010 by Mike

My forthcoming trips planned for the rest of the year are, a visit to Israel in mid-October and a tour of southern India over Christmas and the New Year. I visited the north of India many years ago and promised myself that I would return to what is one of the most magical and spiritual countries it has been my good fortune to visit.


Meanwhile between the pressures of work and my busy social life I am working on the travelogues from my two previous holidays – Georgia/Armenia, and Indonesia. I hope to get these articles along with a selection of photographs up and running on Holiday Hog as soon as practically possible…… this space.

Vietnam Article

Posted on August 30, 2010 by Mike

My Vietnam article will shortly be live on my website.  I shall post my next itinerary here very shortly. In the meantime … I love this photo of some adorable and friendly Vietnamese children who were having fun posing for me.


Welcome to Holiday Hog

Posted on August 30, 2010 by Mike

I’m a fifties-something male living in North London. I run my own building renovation company in partnership with my son. When I’m stuck on the M25 or the North Circular Road trying to avoid the traffic cones (not sure why they’re there) my thoughts wander to my forthcoming adventure: I find travelling abroad far easier than trying to traverse London.

My holiday destinations are invariably chosen to encompass the monuments of ancient civilizations, the diversity of religious architecture and the stunning scenery. I always undertake thorough research of my intended destination prior to travelling. A detailed list of places I intend to visit is prepared ahead of time and I always buy maps and a good guide book.

I travel with a group booked through my favourite travel companies for ease of booking etc. Though many group members have become my friends, I take every opportunity to spend as much time as possible exploring on my own. This gives me freedom, choice and rewarding chance encounters that would never happen when part of a large group. Consequently, I tend to visit more places and get to see fabulous sights that are not part of the official itinerary.  Lots more information and photographs on my website.

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